Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Bored List

I feel that life has so much to offer that we should never allow ourselves to feel bored. Don't get me wrong, down time is extremely important for a person's overall well-being. Trust me, I love downtime! What I'm talking about is the "bored out of my mind" and unproductive feeling. It is also a perfect time to practice self care.

I wanted to compile a list of stuff I like doing, that way I can refer to it when I need some inspiration. I am also always on the look out for self improvement and also for new ideas of stuff to try. So if you have ideas please feel free to share them with me. I also hope you'll find something you'll want to try off of my list!
  1. Plan vacations
  2. Catch up on tv shows and movies
  3. Read
  4. Paint nails
  5. Go for a walk
  6. Work on a Pinterest project
  7. Paint
  8. Blog
  9. Try a new recipe
  10. Go for a drive
  11. Explore a nearby town
  12. Go somewhere you haven't been before (i.e. - parks, trails, stores, etc.)
  13. Go somewhere you haven't been in a long time
  14. Put on a face mask
  15. Take a bath
  16. Try a new restaurant
  17. Call a friend
  18. Go on a coffee (or tea or smoothie) run
  19. Make a Cricut project
  20. Play with Lucy (my dog)
  21. Learn something new that pertains to your career
  22. Cuddle
  23. Download new music
  24. Compile donations
  25. Organize an area of the house (i.e. - closets, makeup, pantry, garage)
  26. Pray and/or meditate
  27. Write a card/letter to a friend
  28. Bike
  29. Go shooting
  30. Go to the museum
  31. Volunteer
  32. Archery
  33. Play the piano
  34. Go to open houses
  35. Rearrange furniture and/or art in your home
  36. Scrapbook
  37. Reassess or create a life goals list
  38. Take a free class
  39. Clean
  40. Recycle
With love,

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In with the new...

I yearned a fresh new beginning, so I created a new blog. Please visit and follow  Lin Loves Life ! With love, -Lin